White Paper – Four Simple Ways to Break the Vicious Circle with Lean IT

White Paper – Four Simple Ways to Break the Vicious Circle with Lean IT

Lean IT is about maximizing customer value and the flow of that value through end-to-end value streams. Lean IT creates the basis for an agile and DevOps way of working. Lean IT focuses on the continuous improvement of IT delivery processes by minimizing waste. Simply put, Lean is about creating more value with fewer resources. Implementing Lean increases IT productivity by an average of 25% within 12 months. In addition, your IT department can work more effectively and transparently, and becomes more relevant to your business colleagues or customers.

This white paper shows how a simple application of Lean IT techniques can break this vicious downward spiral and place IT departments in a process of continual renewal and innovation with the use of four handy and proven solutions.

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