Disrupt before you become disrupted
“Disrupt before you’re disrupted” is a catchphrase heard in every sector. Technological developments are occurring one after another at an increasing pace and they are changing our life as a person, a customer and an employee. In turn, to survive, enterprises have to change their way of working. More than 70% of the companies that were on the Fortune 500 list ten years ago have now disappeared. They have been replaced by organizations that work in short cycles, like Amazon, Google and Coolblue. Disruptors like these have mastered agility by creating innovative ecosystems to embed agility across the entire organization: from ideas to product development and all the way through to release and support.
Scrum as a miracle cure for all ills?
In practice, we see countless organizations applying scrum practices as a way of introducing short-cycle processes. However, that is not enough and, moreover, it often fails after some initial enthusiasm. Experience shows that organizations often fall back into doing things in the old way. There is no measurable improvement in terms of behavior and leadership. Silos are formed, teams do not collaborate sufficiently and there are no value streams (team versus flow). As a result, resistance to change continues to grow.
What is Enterprise Agility all about?
Enterprise Agility is a way of working and organizing that enables an organization to create a proper balance between speed and stability. By placing the strategic focus on operational discipline, accelerative leadership and smart technology, response times are shortened and complexity is reduced. In other words: Enterprise Agility means the capacity of the entire organization to respond to changes in the environment in a flexible and agile way. Agile is based on the core principles of Lean and as such it is a development that will continue to support organizations in their transformations in the years ahead.
“Changing the way in which a company is organized and how it behaves, requires a disciplined and structured approach that is both iterative and incremental.”
Our change approach
It is clear that a flexible organization is important, but how do you change a sluggish organization into a Lean-Agile Enterprise? Quint advises and supports companies in making this transformation. To this end, we have developed an approach that focuses on three goals: value creation, acceleration & quality, and leadership.
We provide experience and best practices based on successful enterprise transformations. This enables us to quickly identify the major problems hindering the value creation process. We resolve these problems by effectively applying Lean and Agile principles.
Many companies are able to experiment successfully within teams, but find scaling and collaboration in value streams difficult. We ensure that things go beyond experimentation, and that the entire organization adopts the principles and lessons learned and continues to apply them.
Enterprise Agility has little chance of succeeding unless the leaders change as well and lead the way as role models. This does not happen automatically. Leaders need to adopt a leadership style that is based on trust, employee empowerment and a commitment to personal development as well as the development of others.
Contact Quint
C-91, 92 3rd Floor, Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
+91 98 1885 5635